Fendi Baguette bag is characterised by its distinct shape, detachable top handle, cross-body detachable shoulder strap, and FF logo metal fastening. It comes in a variety of materials, including different types of leather, Replica Fendi bags multicolour fabrics, denim, canvas, and multicolour embroidery. The large Fendi Baguette is the most spacious option and can fit a range of items, from a small umbrella to an iPhone and sunglasses, making it a perfect choice for women who need more space for their daily essentials.

Some consider the Replica Fendi Baguette a classic, while others question its longevity as a trendy design. One reviewer expressed concern about the bag's size and price point but ultimately considered adding it to their collection. Another reviewer, who owns the medium and mini Baguette in nappa leather, finds the bag user-friendly and enjoys using it, although they prefer simpler designs over the sequined and special editions.